CHOF's Favorite Things, Featured on Vessel Accent Decor Blog

CHOF's Favorite Things, Featured on Vessel Accent Decor Blog

Over the years I have been flooded with messages asking what I recommend for vases, terrariums, baskets, planters and even which online accounts I find most inspiring. 

I think it's fun to tell you that Accent Decor is always at the tip top of the list of things I use on a regular basis and is a best seller; and I highly recommend. This trusted company which started in Atlanta, Georgia similar to the way Colonial House of Flowers began -- with family! These talented artisan makers inspire me with their commitment to quality, the way they run their business with so much integrity, and the heartfelt stories of involvement in social issues I care about like Black Lives Matter and Stop Asian Hate Crimes. 

Supporting fellow brands with similar passions is a core principle of our philosophy at CHOF. I love being able to shop intentionally. Lucky to have connected with some incredible businesses over the last few years through workshops, traveling, social media and shipping from the store, today I am happy to tell you that AD is at the top of that list of good things. And when they reached out to ask questions in regard to their Women Supporting Women campaign this spring I knew, that I mean the TIPPY top! 

You can feel the happiness in the excerpt of below featuring a Susie & Becky picture of my grandma Margie and I arranging flowers for the First Ladies Luncheon in Washington, D.C. with American Grown Flowers. Visit the original post for a closer look at all the good words from The Wild Mother, HotHouse Design Studio, Sylvia Smith, Joyce Mason-Monheim, Intrigue Designs, Kelley Shore, Dominque Rose, Rogue & Fox Floral, Lauren Hill, Grit & Grace, The Floral Coach, Jessica Hiemstra, and Sweet Root Village. 

I hope you enjoy this vendor from my list and take the time to share some of your own favorites in the comments section at the bottom of this post. 





 "Women’s advocacy and empowerment has been woven within Accent Decor’s DNA for many years. Among the power duo who started our company, Margaret Hofland has been a long-time advocate for females within our industry (all while raising three amazing, trailblazing daughters. So, it’s no surprise that we would celebrate Women’s History Month with amazing floral + event designers, plant professionals, artists and more. We asked this dynamic group to share poignant business advice from meaningful women and personal examples of female empowerment.


Christy Hulsey, Colonial House of Flowers

Margie Tygart, who was so admired for her life long commitment to bringing foraged arrangements everywhere she went. So much so, that a statue called, “the butterfly girl” was erected in the children’s garden at the city square in Nashville in her honor. Margie was my grandmother and a dear friend. She sent me to the garden (and her friend’s homes, vacant properties and the even along the roadside if I’m being honest).

I learned a lot from Margie before she died a few years ago. In an intentional conversation, she looked me in the eye and told me with an honest and sincere smile “Christy, I have had a very good life… hasn’t always been easy. I’ve made the most of what I have had… and it’s been good.” Her words resonate with me as they inspire me to be grateful for what I have and to use what I have and be happy with it whether it’s the clippings in a floral arrangement (doesn’t everyone want one more ranunculus?) or finances or time, or whatever, my budvase or my outfit! I often say to people, I know it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.

Margie’s wisdom gives depth to this mantra and has provided the source to go beyond contentment — to pleasure and happiness. Her words are a tool for me to find joy in work and my artistry even when things aren’t ideal, which is often the case for me, and I love it! I’m lucky she’s just one of the many smart, strong females friends, mentors and family I have in my life.

 Read more inspiring responses on the Accent Decor Blog. 

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