“That Flower Feeling” Campaign Calls Enthusiasts To Amplify The Message. So, Hey Flower People, Let's Do it!

“That Flower Feeling” Campaign Calls Enthusiasts To Amplify The Message. So, Hey Flower People, Let's Do it!

You know, I always say that it's hard for me to put my feelings into words. I only learned I am dyslexic in my forties. Apparently, I have been reading and communicating differently than everyone around me for years. Who knew? 

Flowers express what words can not. Words can be hard for me. Through mentoring UGA students, I have realized how depreciating it may make my time in the journalism school at the University of Georgia sound when I say that. But, it's the opposite! For me, the years in the Grady school gave me a foundation for everything like being a friend, a communicator and a leader. It gave me the ability to do my own thing a little differently than everyone expects me to... confidently.

The Grady school education is valuable.  What I learned combined with what my family taught me about realizing your feelings with a sense of grace and honesty so that you can act and communicate authentically -- is the only way to approach things. So, your'e right! I do always say that it's hard for me to put my feelings into words. So, I put my feelings into flowers.

I find flowers make me feel good, are a tool to express myself and help me emotionally and mentally.  This makes me wonderfully made for floristry and totally respectful of That Flower Feeling, a creative, lighthearted, and very sharable ad campaign that calls enthusiast to amplify the message to get more Americans enjoying more flowers, more often.

So, let's do it! You deserve that flower feeling!





Caflowers That Flower Feeling Logo

According to thatflowerfeeling.org, "it Is a cooperative effort to get more Americans enjoying more flowers, more often. From upscale florists, farmers markets or grocery stores — as long as people are bringing home flowers regularly, that’s good enough for us." 

The worlds largest International floral platform, Thursd.com reports that "Calflowers wants everyone to experience the impact of flowers on a daily basis. They’re a beautiful, natural dose of feel-good, so why should they be reserved for special occasions? Even the most modest bouquet of flowers can have all sorts of positive short and long-term effects on how we feel — in other words, it’s that flower feeling."

That Flower Feeling is encouraging everyone to  experience the impact of flowers on a daily basis. You see, as someone who has trouble communicating my feeling in words and as someone who is around flowers everyday, I can tell you how liberating it is to let them do the work. Flower are a beautiful, natural dose of feel-good, so they shouldn't be reserved for special occasions

A colorful flower shop from That Flower Feeling campaign



The term ‘self-care’ is a buzzword with so many brands launching products in the growing space since the pandemic. The phrase brings different visuals for everyone, and CalFlowers tapped into the complexities of trying to keep up with the latest trends with a funny 60 second spot from the creative group 180 Amsterdam, Netherlands. People buy flowers for celebrations like birthdays, anniversaries, funerals and moments of indulgence. However, flowers don’t always have to be just a luxury and this campaign shifts the idea of flowers from a luxury to an everyday purchase. I love it!

Viewers see a woman accidentally remove her eyebrows while doing a facemask, attempt to cleanse her body with green juice and participate in a Zoom ‘scream therapy’ session, before realizing that sometimes the act of self-care can be something as small as buying yourself a bouquet of colorful flowers.

Colorful That Flower Feeling Ad Campaign

CalFlowers’ “That Flower Feeling” Engages Flower Enthusiasts Down a Path Toward Self-Care

CalFlowers is the leading floral trade association in California they flipped the concept of getting flowers in the spot called: Flowers. Self Care Made Easy.

Thursd.com says, "The campaign is about flowers being the best self-care you can have. Because self-care has become a lot of work. You gotta pamper, practice mindfulness, balance life and work, and be awesome at all of them. Flowers on the other hand are self-care made easy. They won't replace working out or eating well. But they're a spiritual tune-up. So treat yourself to a little off-the-shelf self-care." 

I love the way this campaign celebrates the power of flowers and how it's designed with collaboration in mind.  Flowers are the powerhouse of the natural world that goes way beyond decorations and luxury. Flowers are meaningful: flowers help us gap physical distances, positively impact relationships, stimulate acts of goodwill, promote physical and emotional wellbeing—the list, which you can peruse in more detail here, is virtually endless. 

Plus, a “natural dose of feel-good,” flowers are the easiest and fastest way to self-care. Proven by scientific studies, they lower stress, boost creativity and productivity, trigger happy emotions, and lead to a better quality of life. It's true:  even the most modest bouquet of flowers can have all sorts of positive short and long term effects on how we feel—in other words, it’s that flower feeling.

Not to mention, you never need an excuse to buy flowers for yourself; the answer will always be YES!



Designed with collaboration in mind, The Flower Feeling encourages floral professionals and enthusiasts to be involved by amplifying the campaign’s message using their businesses and social media platforms. Access to a roster of audio and visual marketing assets is FREE on The Flower Feeling’s Partners page.


Winner of MOTY Award (Marketer of the Year)

The Society of American Flowers honored CalFlowers as the prestigious MOTY 2023 (Marketer of the Year) for their campaign - "That Flower Feeling" - for it's embodiment of collaboration, innovation and drive to elevate the floral experience for American consumers. Read more about it, here

ocial media platforms. Access to a roster of audio and visual marketing assets is FREE on The Flower Feeling’s Partners page.

For more information on this developing campaign, please visit The Flower Feeling’s website or follow along on social media using the hashtag #thatflowerfeeling

Colonial House of Flowers is a family run floral business that started in 1968. Today we specialize in asset businesses building brands by helping them communicate naturally... using flowers and plants. We'd love to collaborate with you grow your corporate and business marketing and brand development. You can reach us, here.

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